Saturday 13 February 2016


It's a server side project. It provide a service to all the samsung tv users in Korea. KBO stands for Korean Baseball Organization.
Technology used :
Java 6
Spring 3.2  including Spring MVC
Ibatis , which I should change to Hibernate I guess
Redis Cache
Apache Tomcat 7
Spring Rest Service
The project consists of different modules :
FTP Batch: This batch runs every 2 minutes and read the data provided by third party in the form of CSV files to a ftp server and insert it into database using Hibernate.
Redis Batch: This batch consists of three threads :
  1. KBO Config : Runs every 2 seconds . Check KBO configuration.
  2. KBO Basic Info : Fetches basic information about current matches and put them in the redis cache server.
  3. KBO Detail Info : Fetches detailed information about current matches and put them in the redis cache server.


Filter is used for logging and validating headers, ContainerRequestFilter of jersey is used.
Another filter to log the response , ContainerResponseFilter is used.
Filter for authentication is also used,

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